Baby Vega #3 – Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

We are so thrilled to share the news of the birth of our ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ daughter Sarah Joyce.

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” 
Psalm 139:13-14

Our beautiful gem was planned to be born April 1, no April fools joke, to bring us so much joy and the most precious restless nights!

We Must Confess

1. We are over the moon in love with this little one! We can’t stop contemplating how gentle she is, and how much love is in her eyes when we hold her, feed her, put her to sleep. Truth be told, she is working daily on strengthening those lungs when she is hungry and we have learned she gets hangry like mom (me). 

2. Our phones and cameras are full of photos of her. I (Danie) had gotten the new Canon R8 and have been brainstorming on a new project for parents in tthe Raleigh area.  

3. We receive daily requests of videos and pictures of her from family and friends and we cannot say no, so we are overshooters of our baby girl as she is growing and changing so fast each day, none of us ‘want to miss a thing.’

4. This reminds me, I did sing and secretly cried one night singing to her as she ate and fell asleep in my arms to the Aerosmith song “I don’t want to miss a thing” and created a Reel with that song!
PS: I’m not a professional singer but she smiles at me.


“Before the Morning” – Josh Wilson

In the midst of the day to the day, there are so many moments for the three of us; Mom, Dad and our son Matthew, to talk and remember our baby Ethan who is in heaven. Even before SJ was born, Matthew would see her ultrasounds and say she looked just like her baby brother “cookie.”

For us, when we see SJ sleeping, her facial features, height and now her weight remind us of the 16 hours we held our baby boy at the hospital on February 5, 2022.

Recently we saw a Facebook memory from last year, and the feeling of daily sorrow came back to our memories as we mourned our loss. Let us illustrate a bit on this specific post. The singer and songwriter Josh Wilson, describes the making of the song Before the Morning” and I remember listening to what inspired him to write it and I kept playing this part of the song in my head and declaring it as true in my life:

Would you dare, would you dare to believeThat you still have a reason to singCause the pain that you’ve been feelingIt can’t compare to the joy that’s coming

Sarah Joyce brings us joy from the moment we new it was a girl. We both felt so much joy in the Lord that is one of the reasons we chose this as her middle name. Her first name was carefully and thoughtfully chosen, not by us, but if you ask us we woud love to share that with you.

Our good friend photographer Whitney Chase from The Chase Collective, came  to visit with her husband Colby and took some quick photos of SJ with both Brian and I, please enjoy!


Baby SJ is now 2 months old!

She is now beginning to smile at everythingg and everyone. If on month one we thought she was just so beautiful, now we are really nuts over her and she giggles Goos and Gaaas at us to grab our attention. 

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